Our video chat lets chatters insert lively animated smileys anywhere in their message or combine several for added effect. Individual icons can be picked from a pleasant default set of smileys, which covers all expected emotions from laughs to tears. A chat owner with the Flash source codes can add new emotion icons or expand the default set.
Emotion icons can be small or large, bitmaps or vector images inside our flash chat. They further enhance the rich text chat mode, and can give community members, without voice or webcam options, a way to make their text warmer and more personal. Professional environments may choose to not use animated smileys, disable them completely or, if needed, design a custom set which best represents what they're doing.
GChat is currently working on allowing dynamically loaded, external smileys for various emotions in the admin panel of your chat website. It'll liberate webmasters from the need to compile their own smiley sets in third party Flash tools and make the process much faster. Dynamic smiley loading will open further customisation avenues to non-technically minded admins, who nonetheless want to add a particular feel to their community. Please keep an eye out for this functionality in future software updates.