Credits is the common virtual currency found in modern Internet chats. It allows members to add value to their account and unlock premium membership access, as defined by the chat website admin. Visichat enables chatters to buy credits at a predefined rate, through a number of popular payment processing gateways. This rate is set by the chat administrator.
Having access to purpose-built payment gateways removes the need to handle monetary transfers directly. Additionally, your members gain an automatic lair of extra security for their personal and payment details from the gateway provider. And of course it's much easier to manage disputes and refund queries via a dedicated system, which has facilities for logging and resolving such matters quickly and transparently.
Getting your community to operate in credits puts everyone on a level playing field, letting you conduct your private enterprise or company business across borders and currencies.You won't have to go through the lengthy process of arranging card merchant status either. Using chat credits also guards against any fraud attempts. Since chat credits can only be spent and moved inside your flash chat, they cannot be converted back to cash via other end user means.